The first Halberstadt D.I prototype equipped with 100hp Mercedes D.I engine had its maiden flight during the late autumn of 1915. Later it was fitted with 120hp Mercedes D.II engine and went into production designated as D.II to supplement the Fokker D type biplanes, which were then replacing the old Fokker monoplanes. The first machines arrived at the frontline in June 1916.
Most of the pilots where impressed by its better performance compared to the older Fokker monoplanes, especially its better climb and speed and very quick, easy and responsitive controls which gave it good maneverability in the hands of the experienced German pilots.
By the end of 1916 Halberstadt D.IIs became obsolete and were mostly withdrawn from the Western Front or moved to quieter sectors of the frontline. However, they were certainly respected by their Allied adversaries. Total of 96 Halberstadt D.IIs powered with Mercedes D.II engines were built.
Triebwerk 6—Zyl. flüssigkeitsgekühler Reihenmotor Mercedes D.II 120 PS
Höhe: 2660 mm
Länge: 7300 mm
Spannweite: 8800 mm
Flügelfläche: 23.6 qm
Leergewicht (kg): 519
Startgewicht (kg): 728
Treibstoffkapazität (l): 96
Ölkapazität (l): 18
Max Geschwindigkeit (IAS)
Meeresspiegel – 145km/h
1000 m – 138 km/h
2000 m – 131 km/h
3000 m – 124 km/h
4000 m – 115 km/h
5000 m – 105 km/h
1000 m: 4 min. 00 sec.
2000 m: 8 min. 50 sec.
3000 m: 15 min. 00 sec.
4000 m: 23 min. 25 sec.
5000 m: 37 min. 35 sec.
Dienstgipfelhöhe 5950 m
Reichweite bei 1000 m — 2 Std. 34 Min.
Starre Bewaffnung nach vorne: 1x LMG 08/15 Spandau 7,92mm, 1 Gurt mit 500 Schuss.
1) Halberstadt Fightres, Windsock Datafile Special.
Aldis Teleskopvisier
Zusätzliches Gewicht: 2 kg
Glühlampe zum Beleuchten des Instrumentenbrettes bei Nachteinsätzen
Zusätzliches Gewicht: 1 kg
Wilhelm Morell Anemometer (45-250 km/h)
Zusätzliches Gewicht: 1 kg
A.Schlegelmilch Kühlwasserthermometer (0-100 °C)
Zusätzliches Gewicht: 1 kg