Pe-2 ser.87

Indicated stall speed in flight configuration: 175..200 km/h
Indicated stall speed in takeoff/landing configuration: 148..169 km/h
Dive speed limit: 790 km/h
Maximum load factor: 11 G
Stall angle of attack in flight configuration: 13.9 °
Stall angle of attack in landing configuration: 9.8 °
Maximum true air speed at sea level, engine mode - Nominal: 446 km/h
Maximum true air speed at 2000 m, engine mode - Nominal: 476 km/h
Maximum true air speed at 5000 m, engine mode - Nominal: 498 km/h
Service ceiling: 8000 m
Climb rate at sea level: 10.4 m/s
Climb rate at 3000 m: 7.8 m/s
Climb rate at 6000 m: 3.0 m/s
Maximum performance turn at sea level: 29.9 s, at 270 km/h IAS.
Maximum performance turn at 3000 m: 40.3 s, at 270 km/h IAS.
Flight endurance at 3000 m: 2.8 h, at 300 km/h IAS.
Takeoff speed: 160..200 km/h
Glideslope speed: 220..240 km/h
Landing speed: 155..165 km/h
Landing angle: 12.5 °
Note 1: the data provided is for international standard atmosphere (ISA).
Note 2: flight performance ranges are given for possible aircraft mass ranges.
Note 3: maximum speeds, climb rates and turn times are given for standard aircraft mass.
Note 4: climb rates and turn times are given for Nominal power.
Model: M-105RF
Maximum power in Nominal mode at sea level: 1200 HP
Maximum power in Nominal mode at 800 m: 1260 HP
Maximum power in Nominal mode at 2700 m: 1200 HP
Engine modes:
Nominal (unlimited time): 2700 RPM, 1050 mm Hg
Water rated temperature in engine output: 70..85 °C
Water maximum temperature in engine output: 100 °C
Oil rated temperature in engine output: 90..100 °C
Oil maximum temperature in engine output: 115 °C
Supercharger gear shift altitude: 2300 m
Empty weight: 6089 kg
Minimum weight (no ammo, 10% fuel): 6643 kg
Standard weight: 7685 kg
Maximum takeoff weight: 8701 kg
Fuel load: 1113 kg / 1484 l
Useful load: 2612 kg
Forward-firing armament:
12.7mm machine gun “UB”, 150 rounds, 1000 rounds per minute, nose-mounted
7.62mm machine gun “ShKAS”, 450 rounds, 1800 rounds per minute, nose-mounted
Defensive armament:
Top: 12.7mm machine gun “UB”, 200 rounds, 1000 rounds per minute
Belly: 12.7mm machine gun “UB”, 200 rounds, 1000 rounds per minute
Side: 7.62mm machine gun “ShKAS”, 225 rounds, 1800 rounds per minute
Top turret: 12.7mm machine gun “UB”, 200 rounds, 1000 rounds per minute (modification “series 110”)
Up to 10 x 104 kg general purpose bombs “FAB-100M”
Up to 4 x 254 kg general purpose bombs “FAB-250sv”
Up to 2 x 512 kg general purpose bombs “FAB-500M”
10 x 23 kg rockets “ROS-132”, HE payload mass 9.1 kg
Length: 12.69 m
Wingspan: 17.12 m
Wing surface: 40.8 m²
Combat debut: May 1942
Operation features:
- The engine has a two-stage mechanical supercharger which must be manually switched at 2300m altitude.
- Engine mixture control is manual; it is necessary to lean the mixture if altitude is more than 3-4 km for optimal engine operation. Also, leaning the mixture allows a reduction in fuel consumption during flight.
- Engine RPM has an automatic governor and it is maintained at the required RPM corresponding to the governor control lever position. The governor automatically controls the propeller pitch to maintain the required RPM.
- Water radiator shutter control is manual. Oil radiator shutters are fixed.
- The aircraft has trimmers for all flight-controls: pitch, roll and yaw.
- The aircraft has fence-type airbrakes which are located under the wing and are used to slow the descent during steep dive bombing.
- The aircraft is equipped with an automatic dive system. When the dive system is engaged, the plane enters a dive when the airbrakes are extended (passing through the 45 ° position) and will recover from the dive when you either press the bomb drop button or the dive recovery button to exit the dive (LCtrl + D by default). The dive system controls the elevator trim - for correct operation, the trimmer must be in the range between -4.5 ° to +4.5 ° before turning on the dive system. If the trimmer is outside this range, the aircraft has been trimmed manually, or if the airbrakes are retracted while the dive system is engaged, the dive system will be turned off.
- Landing flaps have electro-hydraulic actuator and they can be extended to any angle up to 50°. When landing and the flaps are fully extended the angle of attack for a stall is less than landing pitch angle. For this reason, it is prohibited to extend flaps to more than to 35° (70%) on landing.
- The aircraft has an automatically controlled horizontal stabilizer. An automatic control system adjusts the stabilizer angle depending on the extended angle of the landing flaps.
- The aircraft tailwheel rotates freely and does not have a lock. For this reason, it is necessary to confidently and accurately operate the rudder pedals during the takeoff and landing.
- The aircraft has differential pneumatic wheel brakes with shared control lever. This means that if the brake lever is held and the rudder pedal the opposite wheel brake is gradually released causing the plane to swing to one side or the other.
- The aircraft has a fuel gauge which shows total remaining fuel.
- The canopy has an emergency release system for bailouts.
- The aircraft is equipped with a bomb salvo controller, it has four release modes: drop single, drop two in a salvo, drop four in a salvo or drop all bombs in salvo. There is also a controller for a drop delay between each bomb in the salvo.
- When rockets are installed there is a salvo controller, it has three launch modes: single fire, fire two in a salvo or fire four in a salvo. Aircraft has a fire control system that is designed for eight rockets. However, for added punch, ten rockets were typically loaded. In that case, the ninth rocket will fire with the seventh and the tenth will fire with the eighth.
Basic data and recommended positions of the aircraft controls:
- Starting the engine:
- recommended position of the mixture control lever: 100%
- recommended position of the radiator control handle: open 50%
- recommended position of the prop pitch control handle: 100%
- recommended position of the throttle lever: 10%
- Recommended mixture control lever positions for various flight modes: Run (auto mixture control)
- When running the engine at low throttle near the ground, the mixture control lever should be in the position of about 50%.
- When the engine is running at full throttle near the ground, the mixture control lever should be in the 75-80% position.
- As you gain altitude, the altitude corrector closes.
- Recommended positions of the water radiator control handle for various flight modes:
- takeoff: open 50%
- climb: open 100%
- cruise flight: open 100% (in winter conditions - open 20%)
- combat: open 50%
- Approximate fuel consumption at 2000 m altitude:
- Cruise engine mode: 15.3 l/min
10 x FAB-100M bombs
10 x 104 kg General Purpose Bombs FAB-100M
Additional mass: 1040 kg
Ammunition mass: 1040 kg
Estimated speed loss before drop: 23 km/h
Estimated speed loss after drop: 0 km/h
4 x FAB-250sv bombs
4 x 254 kg General Purpose Bombs FAB-250sv
Additional mass: 1016 kg
Ammunition mass: 1016 kg
Estimated speed loss before drop: 33 km/h
Estimated speed loss after drop: 0 km/h
2 x FAB-500M bombs
2 x 512 kg General Purpose Bombs FAB-500M
Additional mass: 1024 kg
Ammunition mass: 1024 kg
Estimated speed loss before drop: 48 km/h
Estimated speed loss after drop: 0 km/h
Female Crew
Marina Mikhaylovna Raskova (March 28th, 1912 – January 4th, 1943) was the founding and commanding officer of the 587th Bomber Aviation Regiment. Raskova commanded this female unit until her death in a flying accident, while leading two other Petlyakovs to their first operative airfield near Stalingrad. The unit flew 1,134 missions, dropping over 980 tons of bombs. It produced five Heroes of the Soviet Union.
10 x ROS-132 rockets
10 x 132mm High Explosive unguided rockets ROS-132
Additional mass: 280 kg
Ammunition mass: 230 kg
Racks mass: 50 kg
Estimated speed loss before launch: 31 km/h
Estimated speed loss after launch: 20 km/h
Blister turret
Rear wide-angle Turret with UBT 12.7mm machinegun with 200 rounds
Additional mass: 10 kg
Estimated speed loss: 5 km/h