
Roland C.IIa



One of the most original trends of thought in aircraft design during 1915 was seen in the L.F.G. Roland C.II, which had been evolved by Dipl. Ing. Tantzen, who had recently joined Luftfahrzeug Gesellschaft as a design engineer. Tantzens ambition was to present a drastically cleaned-up airframe, eliminating as much as possible of the “built-in” drag of interplane, center section strut arrangements and attendant bracing. Streamlined design of fuselage, thin wings profile resulted in great performance for its time: it was one of the fastest airplanes at front able to outrun any enemy fighter plane.

Upper wing was placed on the top edge of fuselage providing great forward and up view for the pilot. But due to its wide oval fuselage and pilot position towards the back, it was a very unforgiving airplane to land: very few pilots which flew this airplane did not crash or damage it during landing. In time, some minor modifications where added, such as forward firing gun for the pilot, internal wings structire change and ailerons controls moved into upper wing with addition of a control rod instead of cables in the lower wing on early machines. Also wing trailing edge wire was replaced with wooden stringer. New version became Roland C.IIa: first prototype powered by Mercedes D.III engine flew October 25-26 of 1915, and on December 23, 1915 the first production order for 50 machines was placed.

C.IIs began to equip the Fl. Abt. units for reconnaissance and also for escort duties by the beginning of 1916. Usually the reconnaissance machines were armed only with a Parabellum gun for the observer and had a radio transmitter, later on a forward-firing Spandau gun was added and some later machines were able to carry bombs on the external rack under the fuselage.

Because of its performance the aircraft was often used as a strategic reconnaissance airplane able to perform deep flights into an enemy territory - Allied airplanes couldn\t catch it. Later, when Allies intruduced faster fighters, Rolands where used in close support and reconnaissance roles and slowly where withdrawn from the frontline units by June of 1917 and transferred into traning units. Rolands where built by LFG Roland and Linke-Hofmann by license agreement. Assuming all orders where completed, LFG Roland built 139 C.II airplanes and 168 C.IIa variants where built by both manufacturers.

Mercedes D. III 6-cyl. inline, 162 h.p.

Hauteur: 2860 mm
Longueur: 7700 mm
Envergure: 10300 mm
Surface d\aile: 29 sq.m

Poids à vide weight: 714 kg
Poids au décollage weight: 1226 kg
Capacité des réservoirs carburant: 259 l
Capacité du réservoir d\huile: 35 l

Vitesse maximale (IAS, km/h):
sea level - 165 km/h
1000 m - 157 km/h
2000 m - 149 km/h
3000 m - 140 km/h
4000 m - 131 km/h
5000 m - 118 km/h

Tauc de montée:
1000 m - 5 min. 58 sec.
2000 m - 14 min. 45 sec.
3000 m - 29 min. 32 sec.

Plafond opérationnel: 5250 m

Autonomie: 5 h. 0 min.

Tir avant: 1 х LMG 08/15 Spandau 7.92mm, 500 rounds
Tourelle: 1 х LMG 14/17 Parabellum 7.92mm, 4 boxes with 250 rounds each

Configurations possibles d\emport offensif:
4 x 12.5 kg (50 kg)
1 x 50 kg

50 kg in total

1) Schlachtflieger by Rick Duiven, Dan-San Abbott.
2) Windsock Datafile 49 LFG Roland C.II by P.M. Grosz.


Aldis (Trophée)

Collimateur à réfraction Aldis
Masse supplémentaire : 2 kg

20mm Becker Turret

Turret with Becker Automatic Cannon
Ammo: 60 of 20mm rounds (4 magazines with 15 rounds in each)
Ammo type: HE/AP (High Explosive and Armour Piercing rounds)
Rate of fire: 300 rpm
Projectile weight: 120/130 g
Muzzle velocity: 450/490 m/s
Gun weight: 30 kg
Mount weight: 10 kg
Ammunition total weight: 25 kg
Total weight: 65 kg
Estimated speed loss: 6 km/h 

Bombes P.u.W.

4 bombes d’emploi général 12.5 kg P.u.W
Masse supplémentaire : 62 kg
Masse des munitions : 50 kg
Masse des pylones : 12 kg
Perte estimée de vitesse avant le largage : 4 km/h
Perte estimée de vitesse après le largage : 2 km/h

1 bombes d’emploi général 50 kg P.u.W
Masse supplémentaire : 62 kg
Masse des munitions : 50 kg
Masse des pylones : 12 kg
Perte estimée de vitesse avant le largage : 4 km/h
Perte estimée de vitesse après le largage : 2 km/h 

Montre de bord

Montre mécanique
Masse supplémentaire : 1 kg

Lumière de cockpit

Lumière à ampoule pour les sorties de nuit
Masse supplémentaire : 1 kg

Jauges supplémentaires

Wilhelm Morell Anémomètre (45-250 km/h)

Wilhelm Morell Altimètre (0-5000 m)

Indicateur de température de liquide de refroidissement A.Schlegelmilch (0-100 °C)

Masse supplémentaire : 3 kg 


Camera for taking aerial photographs
Additional mass: 10 kg


Radio transmitter
Additional mass: 10 kg 

Twin Parabellum MG Turret

Ring turret with twin Parabellum machine guns.
Ammo: 2000 of 7.92mm rounds (8 drums with 250 rounds in each)
Projectile weight: 10 g
Muzzle velocity: 825 m/s
Rate of fire: 700 rpm
Guns weight: 19 kg (w/o ammo drums)
Mount weight: 5 kg
Ammo weight: 40 kg
Total weight: 64 kg