The Churchill tank belonged to the class of infantry tanks developed by the British Army. According to this classification, the Churchill had low mobility and hardly the most powerful weaponry, but it was protected with powerful armor, and thus belonged to the class of heavy tanks. The tank was produced in England throughout the war years and was one of the most numerous armored vehicles in His Majesty’s armed forces. The model featured in the game was produced by the Leyland factory.
The first batch of early modification Churchill tanks under the Lend-Lease program was delivered to the USSR by the infamous Arctic convoy PQ-17. In total, 301 Churchill tanks were sent to the USSR during the war years, of which a little less than 50 vehicles were lost during transportation and 253 tanks were delivered to the Red Army during 1942 and 1943. The Churchill was the only heavy tank model supplied to the USSR by the Allies.
Churchills took part in the battles on the southern face of the Kursk Bulge in the summer of 1943. There, as part of the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky Tank Corps, they fought against the German Totenkopf and Das Reich Panzer Divisions. Alongside, on the same section of the frontline, Churchills served with the 18th Guards Stalingrad Tank Corps and the 18th and 2nd Tank Corps. Each of these Corps included 21 Churchill tanks, a total of 84 tanks - a third of the total number of tanks of this type supplied under Lend-Lease during the War.
The assessments of the tank in the Red Army were contradictory. Along with good armor, the cannon’s penetrating efficiency, a reliable radio station, and convenient observation devices, there were many problems with reliability, insufficient mobility, and the absence of high-explosive fragmentation shells in the ammunition load.
The main armament of the tank was the Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 6-pounder 7 cwt cannon. Two versions of this gun were installed on the tank: Mk.III with a 43-caliber long barrel and Mk.V with a 50-caliber long barrel (the game features the Mk.V variant). The only type of cannon shell featured a fairly high armor penetration. However, it was solid, i.e. did not feature a bursting charge, and this significantly reduced its after-penetration effect. Also, the lack of high-explosive fragmentation shells in the ammunition load was limiting its versatility.
From a technical point of view, the Churchill’s track assembly was quite peculiar and somewhat reminiscent of the famous British diamond-shaped pioneer tanks of the First World War, with the tracks covering the hull from above. This made it possible to include additional hatches along the sides that made it easier to abandon the vehicle in an emergency. Each of the 11 road wheels on either side of the tank had an individual spring suspension. However, only 6 middle ones of 11 were under load in the normal position. The hull armor was complex, comprising many rolled-steel armor parts assembled on the frame with rivets and bolts. The key feature of the Churchill IV, which distinguishes it from the previous modifications, was the turret made of a single cast part with a thin-walled spare parts box attached to its rear. The gun mantlet featured an original “internal” design with no parts protruding from the turret.
The tank was also equipped with a 2-inch mortar fixed on the roof of the turret, on the loader’s side. Normally, it was intended for remote smoke screen deployment with 2-inch smoke grenades fired at a distance of about 140 meters in the direction same as that of the tank gun. In the reality of the Eastern Front, the Red Army often used Soviet-produced 50-mm high-explosive fragmentation rounds as ammunition for 2-inch English mortars. The firing range for such a mine was about 410 meters. Besides the mortar, the tank was equipped with two pyrotechnic smoke dischargers mounted on the rear. They allow the tank to deploy a smoke screen for a minute and a half.
空载重量: 40500 kg
间隙:484 mm
发动机:Twin 12-cylinder Bedford “Twin-Six”, petrol.
最大功率:350HP(2200 RPM)
最大转速:2550 RPM
最高行车速度 :
前进挡1:2.0 mph (3.3 km/h)
前进挡2:5.7 mph (9.1 km/h)
前进挡3:10.9 mph (17.5 km/h)
前进挡4:18.2 mph (29.3 km/h)
倒挡:1.1 mph (1.7 km/h)
最大越野速度 : 11 mph (18 km/h)
内部油箱容量:682 L
机油系统容量:25 L
续航范围:210 km
最大油耗:1.3 L/h
主炮: 线膛炮,57mm 6-pounder 7 cwt MkV坦克炮。
有效射速:12 发/分
6pdr APT实心穿甲弹(AP)弹头质量:2.8 kg 炮口初速:890 m/s 500m距离上最大穿深104mm
同轴机枪和航向机枪:7.92mm BESA勃朗宁。 子弹质量:11.5 g 炮口初速:823 m/s 100m处穿甲能力:10 mm 射速:850 发/分 同轴机枪:20条弹链,每条弹链225发(4500发) 航向机枪:+-17°/+16°~-8°,15个弹链,每个弹链225发(3375发)
No.39 Mk IV gunner telescopic sight, field of view 13°.
No.39 Mk IIs machinegunner telescopic sight, field of view 21°.
Radio equipment:
Wireless Set No. 19. HF/VHF transceiver.
5 intercom terminals.
Replacement of 20 out of 30 smoke mortar rounds with 50 mm High-Explosive ones. On the Eastern Front, Churchill tank crews fired 50 mm Soviet-made mortar rounds from a 2-inch mortar installed in the turret to lay smoke screens.
Mass 850 g, explosives mass 90 g.
Direct hit armour penetration 7 mm, effective against infantry at less than 5 m.
Range 410m.
6pdr APT
没有炸药装填的实心穿甲弹 对抗间隙装甲板效果好,但是比更先进的穿甲榴弹(APHE)对目标内部造成的伤害少。
质量: 2.8 kg
当从7 cwt MkV火炮发射时:
炮口初速:890 m/s,近距离装甲穿深 136 mm
500m时:装甲穿深 104mm,速度 738 m/s,下坠高度 -1.8m
1000m时:装甲穿深 78mm,速度 602 m/s,下坠高度 -8.4m
2000m时:装甲穿深 41mm,速度 387 m/s,下坠高度 -45.7m
The track bow fenders of Churchill tanks on the Eastern front were often removed.
Rare variant with mid sections of caterpillar fenders removed.
The external rear-mounted fuel tank was commonly removed on the Eastern front.